




Link to MEST

Welcome to BlueNet

The University of Tasmania, as lead institute of a consortium, was granted $3.5 milllon from the Australian Government to establish BlueNet - the Australian Marine Science Data Network. Funding for the project was provided through the Department of Education, Science and Training's (DEST's) Backing Australia's Ability program through the Systemic Infrastructure Initiative. The project aimed to provide a virtual data centre to support long term curation and management of data for Australia's marine science researchers. BlueNet linked vast data repositories and marine resources that currently reside in academic and government institutions both in Australia and overseas. It is an extension of the nation's first on-line, virtual facility - the Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility (AODCJF).

To find out more information about BlueNet, please go to the About page.

Management of BlueNet

Funding for the BlueNet Project concluded in 2009, and management of the project is now undertaken by staff from the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)..

The BlueNet Metadata Entry and Search Tool (MEST)

The BlueNet MEST, which is the primary method of access to metadata records and data in BlueNet, is available for both searching for metadata as well as creating new metadata records. More information and a link to the MEST can be obtained by clicking here.


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